Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

And they say that a hero can save us

That was simply one of THE most amazing basketball games I have seen in my life. There will not be a ball game like this again for a LOOOONG time. Not just because I love the Zags- this was just incredible. Though I swear my heart was pumping all erradically and I was literally frozen in a little ball in the last 30 seconds of all four endings!

College players tonight put NBA players to shame. They executed plays flawlessly. There was an upwards of 25 lead changes, and just about every time down the floor points went up on the board. Triple overtime proved that Gonzaga's main men could play long minutes and stay on it, running their cuts, boxing out, whatever needed to be done they were on it even at the end of a 55 minute game. Also, Ammo missed his first free throw but after that we didn't miss a one. So proud.

Ammo's sad attempt at a moustache is absolutely killing me, but beyond that they are doing quite well.

Here's a little exchange between a good friend of mine from high school and I after the game (after and not during because I do nothing but watch the game when we play!):

[me]tk - GO ZAGS!! says:
Did you SEE that game?
tk - GO ZAGS!! says:
Go ZaGs!! says:
HOLY S#!T!!!**
tk - GO ZAGS!! says:
My heart is still pumping all crazy
Go ZaGs!! says:
I about puked in my mouth!!! It was awesome
tk - GO ZAGS!! says:
I was like ready to fall out of my chair, no kidding!
tk - GO ZAGS!! says:
Wow, your puking comment TOTALLY trumps my chair comment!
**I personally don't curse/cuss so I altered her original words :)

One more thing- I have to give major props to Michigan State, and especially Maurice Ager. That boy can play some ball. And he loves Jesus, which is a major plus!

#9 Gonzaga 109
#12 Michigan State 106


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