Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Thursday, November 24, 2005

With a grateful heart

So I've been asked more than once what I am doing for Thanksgiving. I have sort of avoided the question because I've not really felt up to answering it, only because I want to avoid the pity party.

I am doing Thanksgiving alone. Now, don't cry for me Argentina. Despite numerous offers to go to countless people's holiday festivities, I have chosen to do this on my own. I bought a turkey, stuffed it, and it's in the oven. Last night I made a pumpkin pie. I've got potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, and nummy rolls. I'll have leftovers for a LONG time

This is my first time making a turkey, and I figure if I ruin it then it only affects me and not an entire family! I usually am a pretty good cook though, so I doubt I'll ruin it. But there's always a chance. I know enough to bake it at 20 minutes per pound and I took out the giblets and neck (yuck!). Hopefully it turns out yummy.

The main reason I am here alone is because I really want the down time. You see, I am in high demand from 80 teenagers for 8-10 hours a day, not to mention countless other teachers, principals, curriculum specialists, etc. I have four roommates (it's a big house, but still). That with the constant barrage of e-mails and all the responsibilities of being an adult, like paying bills and car maintenance and keeping such a huge house clean, has me totally excited to spend four days totally alone. I am not answering the phone, I am not doing school planning until Sunday, and I am just chilling and taking care of what I want to take care of. That includes finally unpacking all my stuff, getting my room organized into my anal retentive standards, and buying a TV for my classroom when everything's crazy cheap tomorrow.

I thought I might be sad and homesick, but I am honestly not. I love having serious down time, totally alone. It's great!!

Things I am thankful for:

*My relationship with my Lord and my God, Jesus Christ
*My friends- including all the amazing people I have met since joining TFA
*My wonderful students ("my kids"
*My job- what a blessing to get paid to do what I love
*Great roommates (not to mention the nicest house I have ever lived in- praise God!)
*My mom- we have gotten a lot closer in the last year or so and I am so thankful for that.
*My Zags!!!
*My future husband... I don't know who or where he is, but today my sentimental self feels so connected to him. I wonder where he is and what he's doing right now... I can't wait to meet you, baby!

I could go on forever but I'll stop there. I hope that those of you with family and/or friends are taking the time to stop, look around, and be grateful to the one true God for all He has blessed you with.

lol... yay for pilgrims stealing corn from Native American graves, huh? (That's how we got Thanksgiving... the pilgrims were going hungry, so they stole corn from graves to eat, the Native Americans then shot arrows at the pilgrims, and they all came to an eventual truce in which the NA's taught the pilgrims how to grow corn. So there you have it.)


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