Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Maybe tomorrow I'll find my way home

[Maybe Tomorrow, Stereophonics]

What a weekend. Let's just lay it all down.

Found out at school that my house was having a party that night. I missed the memo but still found out in time ;) Was surprised by Peter, who had a teacher workday and dropped in for some observations. Some of my boys asked if he was my boyfriend, and when I said no, they replied, "Oh, good, because if was I was going to have to jump him because I thought I was your boyfriend." THAT one caught me so off guard that my face was bright like a tomato the entire time.

So after that fun I got to spend an HOUR IN A STAFF MEETING ON A FRIDAY AFTERNOON basically getting chewed out because of what goes on in the school during after school tutoring. It's not really any of the teacher's faults, but kids do what they do in my county (aka sex and drugs) in the school when we're trying to tutor so now the administration is trying to crack down on the "extracurricular" activities... and I don't mean the sports, clubs, or tutoring.

After that I met up with some NW people for dinner at the substandard Mexican place in RoRap. I always feel bad for not liking the food because I am sure the people working there are great... it's just not as good as the Mexican food back home. That's all right though- the company was worth it. Then people came over Friday night, and it mostly consisted of basketball and DDR for me :)

I intended to just chill but then Petey and Josh showed up and invited us to go to a market in Carboro (in Chapel Hill) with them. Basically, it's this big whole foods place with free wireless, lots of tables, and many "free spirits" if you will. The day was replete with much work getting done, getting my feet nasty dirty playing frisbee with random little kids, having the BEST EVER chocolate milk, and having a mini-TF*A reunion at the Weaver Market. At one point I counted 18 of us.

I really wanted to go watch the Carolina game versus Boston College (I mean, come on- we were in CHAPEL HILL!) somewhere on Franklin street. That sort of just never happened, but since they lost it was probably for the best. I only live like two and a half hours from Greensboro, where the ACC tourney is held so I'm thinking I need to try and go next year!. We ended up just chilling at the market (as Josh's Jeep Wrangler got absolutely drenched since he didn't bring his windows. The top was on, but no windows. But you can't blame him- it was 80 degrees and clear skies when we set out. Lessons learned, lessons learned. I was in a car with windows so my ride home wasn't too bad ;) and then grabbing dinner and watching the Syracuse-Pitt game at this awesome place called the Carolina Brewery. Highly recommend it. Amazing food, great atmosphere, fair prices, and HUGE TV for basketball watching ;)

After that we just wandered around Fraklin Street before heading home. We were going to spend the night but ended up just coming home... at 3 am. Ouch. It was a late night, but such a great day that it was totally worth it.

Woke up a little later than I intended. Five hours of sleep just wasn't happening apparently. Bec and I had an awesome lunch at a new place called The Lakehouse and then had a mini-movie marathon with Petey at the boys' house. We watched Wallace and Gromit (The full-length feature film The Curse of the Were-Rabbit), Crash, and Walk the Line. Crash was even more amazing than the first time if that's possible. It's still at the top of my favorite movies of all time list, though some contest me. It can be mine :) We actually had to stop Walk the Line like 30 minutes before the end which was super lame. It's in my Netflix queue but it says "Long wait". Oh well.

I cut out a little early and missed dinner, and came home to get a little work done and fill out my NCAA brackets. Sadly the Zags only got a #3 seed. BOO! But hopefully we'll do all right. I am really hoping for at least the Elite 8. We caught the last 30 seconds of the Duke/Boston College game and can I just say that I LOVE COLLEGE BASKETBALL!!!!? Yay! Here's to Thursday at 5:20- GO ZAGS!!

That said... it's midnight and I am exhausted.

Leave some comments... or not. Either way, have a lovely week! Only a month til Spring Break! Yay!


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Mike said...

The 'Zags got dumped on. I'm still not sure how you go from a #4 ranking in the country to a #3 seed in your region! Villanova & Connecticut both LOST in their conference championship (but both are within an hour of New York City).

Guess it's up to Raivio, Morrison, Baptiste, et alia to show those NCAA bozos that they belong

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Darlaing said...

Hey chica! your weekend sounds FUN!

Totally jealous about the market thing.

BTW, I guess there was an explosion on Gonzaga's campus last night? a propane tank or something?

love you


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