Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Friday, February 10, 2006

Disarm you with a smile

So there's this teacher at my school that I think is absolutely the cutest guy ever. He has completely different values (think utterly anti-establishment and has a problem with authority) but he's still essentially a Hottie with a capital H on purpose.

This morning when I got to school I was saying hi to everyone in the halls, doing my normal smiling routine. When I saw him, the same smile stayed on my face and I said a bright and cheery, "Good morning."

His eyes looked red and blurry, his posture screamed "Exhaustion!", and not even the promise of Friday seemed to put happiness into his weary demeanor.

But then I happened. Smile on my face, joy in my voice, full of life. I said two simple, but genuinely heartfelt words. And then...

The man's face lit up. Completely lit up.

That's nice with anyone, to know you put a little joy in their life, albeit for a brief moment. But when his gorgeous face shines bright it's absolutely worth it.


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Shio-chan said...

Tami, I miss your smile. And your hugs.


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