Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Friday, April 21, 2006

I heart Boston!

Hello from Boston! Well, Somerville to be more specific. Tonight we watched the Red Sox game at Cask'n'Flagon (or some variation of spelling format there) right next to Fenway! It was awesome. Then we walk ONE MILLION MILES to catch the T at Park Station. After walking literally for 9 hours nearly nonstop in DC on Tuesday walking all night wasn't my idea of a great time but it was actually a pretty nice walk. Perfect cool night air. And we walked through Boston Commons which was beautiful.

Today Bec and I actually didn't do a ton. We basically went to the mall (albeit unintentionally) and Fenway. Tomorrow we're going on a Duck Tour- I am unashamed to say I am super excited for it! I want to do the Freedom Trail but my feet and legs are killing me from walking 200 million miles in the last two days. But I'm not complaining- I've been losing weight and I definitely haven't been eating according to my healthy routine for the last coupla days since I've been travelling. So walking for an hour tonight was a good thing :)

I love watching people on the T. There's the couple clearly dreading the stop when she gets off and he rides on to his own separate exit. The young teenagers who go to the very front of the cab because it's obviously the cool part. The guy that stares at me. The people who avoid eye contact. The masses of Red Sox fans, in full team garb, making their way home, still fairly exuberant despite the loss.

My personal favorite was the man who clearly was my soul mate. He was at the T station taking random pictures- the "Do Not Enter" sign on broken stairs, down the dark trainless tunnel. On the subway he was listening to an ipod, tap-tap-tapping his feet to what must have been an incredible song with his beautiful black shoes at the end of perfectly worn blue jeans, leading up to his gray hoodie with the hood on his head. He took some random pictures on the train, like of the little reader board that tells you what the next stop is in flashing red letters. Only he took the picture when there weren't any red letters to proclaim the stop. He did, however, get off at our stop, at Davis Square. So maybe if I lived here someday I would run into him again. Hopefully I'll be cuter then.

Time will tell.

On one last note, being here makes me wish I lived here. I couldn't help but watch the bands of friends in their Red Sox gear hanging out together loving life and wish that I lived here with my own band of Sox buddies, just going out to the game to enjoy each other and our team.

So will I end up here someday? I dunno. Once again...

Time will tell.


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