Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Monday, May 08, 2006

So few come and don't go

[Look After You, The Fray]

I cannot stop listening to this song. Seriously- go find it now. Use itunes or what have you.

Speaking of itunes, Friday I downloaded LOST from itunes (since I slept through it on Wednesday... oops...). Well, that's a lie. I downloaded it Thursday, but I watched it Friday. At the end I literally sat up in my bed (I had been lying down) and yelled "HOLY CRAP!!!" at my computer screen. It was just that intense. I feel like they (ABC?) have been yanking us around all season with a new episode every fourth week, and to be honest I was having a hard time sticking with it. This is reason #179 why DISHNetwork sucks- I can't use my TiVo- long story, but generally just sucky :( I am like Miranda on Sex and the City- TiVo is better than any boyfriend!!

I feel so blech today. Maybe because it's rainy day #2 in a row, with a high of 58, and STILL the AC is on in my classroom. Maybe because my throat hurts. I feel like I should be depressed but don't really know why. Do you ever have those days where you just feel so blah? I can't even put words to it. And I really need to do tomorrow's lesson plan and I REALLY don't feel like it. It's WWI- I LOVE WWI and WWII. Love them. Love teaching them, and learning more about them myself. But I have zero motivation. And as for the gray rainy day, I love the rain, too. So what the heck is wrong with me? Plus I just want to eat and eat and eat for no apparent reason, but I don't let myself, so then I feel miserable because I can't eat. UGH!!!



At 7:58 AM, Blogger Shio-chan said...

hey.....I lo-o-ove you! :)


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