Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Will you take what's left of me?

[What's Left of Me, Nick Lachey]

What a lovely day. I woke up to my alarm at 8:30 but I couldn't fall back asleep (that NEVER happens. It's uber rare!) so I laid there til about 9. Then I cooked a little salsa-egg-burrito around 10. Chilled with the roommates.

Lovely Liz discovered that the lake is warm enough to swim in. So we went swimming (and shorts that totally didn't fit this winter had EXTRA ROOM in them! Oh, happy day!) and then I did another thing that I never do- I just laid out in the sun (with some sunscreen, of course) and chilled. Then I came in, showered, and was inspired by Becca the rock star to clean my room. It's like 98% clean and I am getting my laundry done on Saturday!! I normally do it on Sunday.

Then, somehow it was 7 by then so I made some spaghetti (with yummy healthy spinach noodles, and the best sauce ever- with lots of onions, sundried tomatoes, and LOTS of garlic!) for Bec and I. Then we all (Bec, Jen, Liz, and I) watched Just Like Heaven. It was cute. Cheesy to the max, and predictable at every turn, but pretty cute. Now I am choosing to forego SNL and get to bed. I'm sleepy.

Lame entry, I know. But it was a fairly uneventful day- in a good way. Tomorrow shall, I hope, be equally uneventful, save for church and dinner with the boys. I've been too busy lately :)


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