Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Monday, May 01, 2006

Hold on to that feeling

[Don't Stop Believin', Journey]

I love the Red Sox!!

Did you see Papi's 3 run blast over Damon's head? It made me happy in my heart :) And the Mariners won- total rock stars, all around!

I couldn't help but have a twinge of sadness, however, watching all those fans in their Red Sox gear, rockin' Fenway without me.

My future husband, I am all the more convinced, is a 6'2", non-brown eyed British man (though a Bostonian transplant) in love with Jesus... and in possession of Red Sox season tickets. Could you imagine getting to go to a Yankees game at Fenway? I shudder at the mere thought.

Moooving on...

Last night I had the most incredibly wonderful conversation with Brendo. How I love that boy. Do you ever take a step back and wonder how you were so blessed with the friends you have? I am going through this- well, hopefully not just a phase- where I've been blessed to reconnect with friends, both from college and high school. I have had so many amazing people in my life- I refuse to just selfishly let those relationships die. Rather, I selfishly am going to keep them going. My life has been incredibly blessed by four people recently:

1- Darla. We somehow undid the four years of college where we completely grew apart and are in many ways almost closer than we were in high school, mostly due to just maturity in general. You're a rock star, "Darling"!

2- Melissa. She's been mentioned before, but come on- how many people have a friend that they've literally known since the womb? We'd be stupid to just let that relationship die, and I'd like to think we're both pretty smart :) I know she is! You read this, too, so Melissa, you also get the much coveted title of rock star. You know that's right.

3- My "BOB"- Burn Out Buddy from when I was an RA in college (BJ love, right Darla? Most people think I am utterly lewd right now, but you know the greatness that is Baldwin-Jenkins). She's serving the Lord in Peru and I am so blessed by her diligence to seek the Lord; the fact that she's just as impressed by what I am doing to serve Him here stateside is astounding, but I am grateful for her love nonetheless.

4- My buddy Brendo! We once had the, "How the heck are we not in love with each other?" conversation, because we mesh so well and yet it's completely fileo love- friendship. But he's just... awesome. We can just be real with one another, encouraging and challenging and supportive. And, unlike most guys, he's totally unafraid of telling me how much I mean to him. Most guys, no matter how healthy the friendship, worry that telling a girl that she matters will ruin everything. Brendon knows me well enough and is so comfortable that he just says what he thinks- and if "You are amazing" comes to mind then he says it. And vice versa from me to him. It just doesn't get any better than that!

Others should be on this list, but it stops at four because some evil person made it midnight. So much for my ten pm bedtime :) But I was looking back at entries from November and December and they are pretty sad- I was in a rough place. Frustrated with school, teaching (trust me- two TOTALLY different things), who I was, etc. I am grateful to Christ for getting my perspective back and opening my eyes to all that is wonderful around me- and in me.

I love my life. I sincerely want to be no one else- no matter how beautiful or rich or who they're married to (not even the evil woman of whom we do not speak; aka Tom Brady's girlfriend. Smoo on her anyway). I love being me.

Praise God for that!


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Darlaing said...

Do we have any crazy slang from high school? I have the urge to respond to your post with some dusty old phrase but can't think of one.

How about one from college" DEXTER JUDY!


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