Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Together we sing; everyone sing

[Holy is the Lord, Chris Tomlin]

I thought about it.

I realized that everyday I am in the valley, working with those in need of assistance before they can climb the mountain of success. Yeah, that was cheesy. I know. But it's true.

I actually like working in the trenches. Currently, the thought of teaching [predominantly white] kids in the suburbs, 12 steps ahead of my own students, literally makes my stomach turn. And it breaks my heart. So many of my kids dream of college and stable lives, out of poverty. I can't tell you how many of them wrote something to the effect of "I don't want my own children to live through what I have had to" in their "In Ten Years" papers.

Snap. Tears and Rain just came on my Windows Media playlist and I feel a little emotional. That's ok. I was thinking about Lilly*. Remember the entry about the girl forced to have an abortion? If not, go read it here. In her Ten Years paper she wrote that she hopes her mom is still alive then and that Lilly would be able to see her sometimes, that her dad is really happy wherever he is, and that she can live near her brothers and sisters because she never gets to see them. People that have totally and completely broken her heart are people she desires to be happy.

Amazing. On my myspace page I list my students under "Heroes". I meant it.

Today first period got the April incentive (a DDR/Karaoke/Dessert party) for having the highest percentage of A's & B's and the highest percentage averaging over 80% on the weekly quizzes. Then, in third and fourth blocks I let them play for about 20 minutes, to get a taste of how fun it is so it might inspire them more to earn the party at the end of May.

They loved karaoke, except they were mad that I kept beating them. "It's not fair Ms. T*K-- You can sing." And- I wish there was a way to make you able to hear this-- "uh-OH- Ms. T*K can siiii-iiing." lol... They're fun :)

My absolute favorite moment was when I said to David, who has a very DEEEEEEEP voice, "I bet you're a bass. Something just tells me that." In his low rumble he replied, "In ninth grade I was a tenor." All of us just busted UP. It was so funny... I wish you could have been there. He's a sophomore, so I guess a lot can change in a year. But Summer told me that he was singing MJ's Beat It, and got up there pretty high, so... more power to him :)

Ok. Enough gushing about my beloved students. I want to share some pictures of them with you. The fist three are from first period, the second three from third period, and the last four from fourth period.

If you click on the pic you can look at a bigger sample. And if you pay close attention you can see stuff around my classroom. Some unlazy day I'll put up some pics of my actual classroom, but... not today.

Ok, does that last one not just make you want to bust out laughing? I can't even remember what was so funny but that's the perfect picture.

I absolutely adore them. They each are so precious, both to me and their God. This weekend is Prom... if you are a Christian, please pray for them.

*All of my students' names are always changed for the protection of their identities.


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