Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Friday, April 21, 2006

Hate me not

The roommate and her college friends are playing cribbage. I have no problem with that, but I've nothing better to do since the couch is my bed (uh, and by that I mean the only better thing than this that I could do is sleep) so here's this survey.

1. Where were you when the ball dropped for 2006?
Sleeping in my bed. We (Becca and I) had driven home from Cleveland that day and I was tired.

2. How did you get the idea for your profile name?
From the Jeremy Camp song Stay. He says, "Come on now stay, right here in the light so that you won't walk away." It's meant to be like the Lord telling His child to rest in Him, stay put, trust in His truth, and don't deter from His plan.

3. What song are you playing now, or wish you were?
Well, now I wish I were listening to Stay, by Jeremy Camp. Big surprise, huh?

4. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
Yeah. Like watching the Grammy's or something where they talk about the person's legacy. Or for some reason, when Kirby Puckett died. Sports figures count as celebrities, right?

5. What color underwear are you wearing?

6. Do you want a baby?
Tomorrow, no. Any time in the relatively near future, no. Someday when I have been married for a little while, yes. Multiple babies.

7. What did you do this morning?
Woke up around 9:30, showered and dressed and such, went to downtown Boston and went on a duck tour. Fell in love with our duck tour guide.

8. What does your dad do for a living?
Head maintenance supervisor for F***** County Community Services.

9. Where do you work?
Wa*rr*en Cou*nty High School

10. What are your plans for the weekend?
Friday night - That's tonight. We went to dinner at Lisa's parents house in... Hingham, or something like that.
Saturday - Not entirely sure. There's an invite out to dinner with Ben's parents, but Becca and I are also supposed to meet up with her aunt and uncle. My requirements are that I need to have some authentic New England Clam Chowdah and I've never had lobster so what better place than here in Beantown? (I know the origin of that name now- in the days of the Puritans they couldn't cook anything on Sundays and baked beans hold heat well, so they'd leave them simmering all day on weekends and when foreign sailors would come into the harbor (hahr-bah) it would smell of the beans. Thus, Beantown.)
Sunday - Chill morning, I assume. Fly home.

11. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number?
home: 27; cell: 19

12. What was the last concert you attended?
Uh... wow. I used to go to concerts all the time... maybe Third Day/Toby Mac/Warren Barfield like two years ago.

13. Who was with you?
I wanna say Melanie. And we met up with Rachael because her dad had the... uh, sweet suite.

14. What was the last movie you watched?
Actually, I think it was Ice Age 2 with Becca at the theater.

15. Who do you dislike at the moment?
How sore my legs are from walking all the time all week.

16. What food do you crave right now?
Authentic New England Clam Chowdah

17. Did you dream last night?
Yes. All humans always dream. I just don't remember mine.

18. What was the last TV show you watched?
That 70's show. Apollo 13's on in the background right now.

19. What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
My Chinese symbol necklace that means "faith" from Hong Kong.

20. What is to the left of you?
An end table with a lamp and a whole bunch of Lisa's stuff (keys, credit/debit cards, empty glass, cell phone, etc.)

21. What was the last thing you ate?
A piece of Godiva chocolate

22. ???

23. Who last IM'd you?
Good question. I get tons so I can't remember.

24. Are you on any medication?

25. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
My bed's a twin, so... the middle. In a bigger bed, I tend to go left.

26. What color shirt are you wearing?
A Red Sox hoodie! Dark blue, with Red Sox in the traditional red outlined in white letters (sewn on kind... what's the official word for that?)and then the pair of red sox to the left of the hands pouch.

27. What color is your razor?
aquamarine and white... traditional Venus razor.

28. What is your favorite frozen treat?
Godiva chocolate cheesecake ice cream. Or Coldstone. But they don't have those in rural NC. They really don't have much of anything in rural NC...

29. How many tattoos/piercings do you have?
Two holes in each earlobe.

30. What's your favorite store?
Costco, by far. Then, electronics stores like Best Buy and such.

31. Are you thirsty right now?
Yes, actually.

32. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
Sort of. I do essentially plan on it for someday, but I've never been in love nor have I met anyone I could see myself in love with so I can't really envision myself actually married.

33. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss?
Pretty much everyone from home. My family, Sharon, Shiona, Rachael, Melanie, Kathy, Brendon, Clinton, all of em.

34. What did you do last night?
Watched the Red Sox game in a bar across the street from Fenway while the actual game was played in the park. It was AWESOME.

35. Do you care what people think about you?
Yes and no. Like anyone, I want to be loved and valued, but at the same time I won't change who I am to make that happen. This is me, take it or leave it. I'm always seeking to grow and be a better friend, teacher, mentor, daughter, sister, roommate, etc, but still... that doesn't involve completely changing who I am.

36. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble?
I am sure I must have at some point. Nothing comes to mind though.

37. Do you like your ears?
Mostly. I think they're just a smidge too big, and the left lobe is thicker than the right.

38. What color is your bedroom?
The walls are plain old cream. Not my choice. But my bedspread is pink and brown and olive green and my pictures are black and white.

39. When was the last time you worked out?
Intentional working out was forever ago playing DDR, but unintentionally I've been getting tons of exercise walking all around Boston and DC this week.

40. What are your font colors on AIM?
I dunno. I change them all the time.

41. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
My mom, aunts, grandma's, etc. My cousin and I experimented kissing when we were little, but other than that, never like an actual KISS kiss to a female.

42. where do u live?
On Lake Gas*ton in NC

43. Are you an aggressive driver?
To the extent of intentionally irking others, no. To look out for myself, like passing people and stuff, yes.

44. Who is your cell phone carrier?

45. Do you like the person who posted this last?
Yeah. She's fun to work with and a great "sixth roommate".

46. What is across the room from you?
A fireplace with candles set up inside. Some DVD's and such on the matle, and a big painting of a flower.

47. What is the biggest thing you'd want to change about yourself?
My weight. Needs to be less. I never let people take pictures of me because I hate the way I look.

49. What do you smell like right now?
My hoodie smells new still. I just got it yesterday.

50. What is your favorite color?
Pretty much any variation of blue. Pink's all right, too. I tend to prefer the lighter, icier shades.


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