Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Everyone knows I'm in over my head

[Over My Head (Cable Car), The Fray]

I love this song. I first heard it about two months ago... I feel slightly ahead of the game since it's just now becoming a big (and soon to be overplayed) hit.

What a day. It's one of those where the circumstances are seemingly against me, but I just can't get over how wonderful my Christ is, and I feel so blessed.

On adverse circumstances... my school (without warning, mind you) extended first period and squandered half my planning time away. Then I was given a guilt trip for choosing to back out of something, but I was intentional to get the information ahead of time and I was misled- even if it was unintentional on their part to give me wrong information I can't follow through-- but the person was pretty rude to me. The good thing is that I just let it go and tried to make sure to apologize and set things straight.

One thing that is still frustrating was third period. We are learning about the French Revolution, so today we discussed the death penalty. You know- should it exist and if it does what crimes are worthy of receiving it, etc. In third period we got on the tangent of rape, and one of the boys said, "Well what if you're raping her but then she starts to get really into it." I was so angry. In a calm way- not screaming- but I couldn't believe anyone would say that. And he wasn't just looking for a reaction- he meant it, but not in a sincere "what if" way. I dare not think of what his fantasies might me. For the first time ever I said, essentially, that he wasn't allowed to be a part of the conversation unless the words out of his mouth weren't ignorant.

It was a little harsh, I admit this much. But who says that?

Here's to fourth period... may it go much better than third.


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