Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Tis the season, right?


I feel kind of like a jerk.

The roommates went out tonight and got a tree. They asked if I was ok with it, and I said sure. I don't have a problem with it. I just struggle to get hyped about Christmas.

I am not one of those Christians that doesn't "do" Christmas. I just feel drained during the season. It feels like it has nothing to do with Jesus anymore. When you're a kid it's all right because you look forward to presents, but as an adult it's hard. I see a nation where it's politically incorrect to say "Merry Christmas" and everything's about the "Holidays" and the "Season".

Not to mention that it's hard to get excited about a season that's all about family when mine's 3,000 miles away. And even if I somehow got lots of great presents that can't replace the meaning of being at home with the family. I don't mean to say that I am not grateful for the chance to go Becca's (a roomie from upstate NY) and I am so blessed that her family would welcome in a stranger. It's just hard to get excited about a "season" that has nothing to do with my Lord's birth especially when I can't share it with my own family.

I look forward to having my own family some day. We can still enjoy decorating and presents and cookies, but the holiday will be solidly based on how the Lord and Master of our home came into the world. He won't be the afterthought, or the one pushed to the backburner. He'll be at the forefront and the gifts and such will be extras. But for now I'll try to tell my roommates that the tree is really pretty, and even let myself enjoy it. I am sure it will be pretty enough. And it already smells nice.

I just hope they don't ask me to pay for it ;)


At 11:55 PM, Blogger Darlaing said...

Hey Tami-- thanks for stopping by my blog!! I wrote a little comment back to you on the post, but it basically just said: great pic! You look hot!!

hehe. I know what you mean about not being jazzed about Christmas. The magic is totally all about kids and someday we'll see it again through their eyes. Anyway, let me point you to a blogger friend of mine's page:

He's a mormon and in the last week has posted a few rants about the holiday and complacent church goers. He's funny and smart and I love reading his rants, because, well, I usually agree!

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tami or should i say TK I miss you alot and i hope you have a wonderful break and I am praying for you i like your picture it is a good one looks like your hair is getting long well i hope you have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Love Ya
Destinie Fluno
From crossover's youth


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