Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Monday, January 02, 2006

Tell me what this life is all about

It seems that my school is plagued by tragedy.

Last night three kids from our school were in a car going 125 miles per hour* in a 40 mph zone. They got into a wreck (can you call it an accident when they were clearly not driving wisely?) and two were killed. A third was in the car- I don't know her status at this time. So my kids came back to school today to face the tragedy of last night.

*This is based on reports from students, but enough people are saying the exact same thing that it very well may be true. Many people on the volunteer fire fighting squad, which often responds to these emergencies, are in the high school so they may know these details.

In a selfish way, I praise God that none of the students are in my classes, and I didn't know them. Yet seeing my kids crying this morning was enough to nearly cause me to break down. I was able to hold it together, but my heart is aching for them. I am reminded how much I love these kids, and how much they need a positive light in their life.

If you are one who prays, please pray for opportunities to witness- not only for me, but also for students who are serious about the Lord. Please ask the Lord to help the students to see the frailty of life and the need to take what they say they believe and put it into action, for what they have heard their whole life to take root and become real in their hearts.

I myself am reminded how precious life is. Granted, when you drive so fast you are putting yourself in danger, but at the same time we will never know when our life will end. The number one fear in this world is of death. Is it because no one entirely knows what to expect? I have no doubt that when I die I will be with Christ, and yet I still don't know what to expect. I can't imagine the ache and void in those who don't know the God who made them.

It's times like this that you need to step back from your life- your education, your job, your family, friends, philosophies, the mundane details- and ask yourself one question:

Am I ready to die?

In that, are you living your life such that you could die tomorrow and from where you stand today you wouldn't regret a thing? Have you worked to your fullest potential? Apologized to and sought forgiveness from those you've hurt? Forgiven those who have hurt you? Embraced yourself for being who you are? Have you done the things you say you want to do? Expressed the love you have in your heart for those you care about?

We always assume that we will have tomorrow. For two boys, and for their friends and family and all who knew them, there is no tomorrow. Forever they will be 16. The first day of 2006 was their last.

Live with no regrets.


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