Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Before she burns away

[Neon, John Mayer]

I don't really have time to write this. I have this mess of a project where my homeroom students checked off their classes for next year (only none of them did it right despite multiple efforts to correct their ways) and I have to fill out bubble sheets. Oh, how I LOVE bubble sheets. (If sarcasm could drip, it would have right there.)

I use too many parenthetical phrases.

I also have to get my minigrant done- I assumed I could do it this weekend because it's due Monday the 15th, but I found out last night I have to get it signed and sent off basically yesterday :) I'll finish it, get it signed by my principal first thing tomorrow, and sent off to the central office to get signed by the superintendent in tomorrow's school mail. I'll tell y'all about my actual minigrant idea in a later entry.

I also have to write tomorrow's quiz, and you might think that's easy to do but writing good assessments takes time. Plus I have tutoring tonight until 5, and then I am supposed to go to a community dinner at Hardware (Cafe... really cute place. Wa*rren County's finest.) at 6 but I am just not sure that I'll make it. It depends on how much I get done between now and then.

I also have a long list of stuff to do-- I love making lists. It makes me feel better about life to get it all organized onto paper, and then putting lines through completed items puts joy in my heart. I think lists and plucking my eyebrows are my two favorite feeling-better-about-life things. That and quiet times, which I JUST realized I didn't have today. I hate it when I get so busy that I don't even notice that I didn't have one. No matter how busy I feel I will have a quiet time at lunch.

Snap. I just realized that even if I don't go to dinner there will be people at my house for a poker night (or whatever Becca planned for the NW Hali people.) So I will at least have to make an appearance- but I like those people so I'll probably want to hang out. Boo on my life.

This weekend will be busy- last softball game tomorrow afternoon, hopefully going to see The Sound of Music at Lakeland (I know many in the cast, including the Maria who is actually a science teacher- and T*FA alum- here at my school), and having a *hopefully* small gathering of people over to chill after the play.

Saturday's the big T*FA end of year celebration. It's formal. I refuse to go buy a dress, so I'll wear my nicest slacks and such. I hate formals. At least it's not til 6 (but it's in Raleigh- LAME) so I'll have some semblance of a weekend tomorrow. Sunday will almost definitely include dinner with the boy's (and probably at their house this weekend because they just got a hot tub. I don't like hot tubs, either. Meh. But Peter really wants to cook us dinner since we always have them to our house... and by "us" and "our" I mean my four roomies and I.) and I haven't been to church in three weeks (I was flying home from Boston one weekend, driving home from Atlantic Beach- that conference I went to- the next, and last weekend was the headache of death that immobilized me pretty much all day). I miss church and need to be there, so I am really looking forward to Sunday.

Ugh. This message is fragmented and true to Tami tradition (I almost said form, but tradition kept with the alliteration) it's long and is 58% parenthetical phrasing. Bite me.

One happy day- I got my laptop back- two motherboards and a new hard drive later- and I can finally listen to my beloved iTunes at school. But the bell for third period just rang. Those ten minutes I just took to write this were nowhere near enough.

I promise to sound less frazzled on my next entry. Promise.


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