Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

He's such a beautiful disaster

[Beautiful Disaster, Kelly Clarkson]

I'm in love.

That's right, I have found him.

Ever seen The Office? You know where I am going with this one- Jim. Adore him. Absolutely. Maybe because he doesn't have perfect looks. But the man has green eyes and is 6'3" which gets major points ;)

Ok, on a more serious note, I finally got around to watching the first season of The Office and I love it. I only saw the one with the purse lady before this and I didn't really get it. But by watching the whole show I totally got it :) I think that this summer I'll buy a season pass on iTunes and download the second season. Seriously- the show is SO funny. I totally recommend it. It pushes the envelope a little, but in a funny way. I think that's how our nation tends to deal with serious issues... humor in television. Which is kind of sad... but anyway, the show's awesome!

In other huge news [read: mundane and monotonous all at once. And I'm redundant.] today I got the A/C fixed on my car, got an oil change (I'm getting good at this every 3,000 miles thing), and had my tires balanced and rotated all for free, save for the parts I had to buy myself ahead of time. Also, my brakes were inspected and given a clean bill of health. Then I went and got my yearly inspection (not something I EVER had to do in Washington state... meh on North Carolina, I say) and it was a whopping... nine dollars and ten cents! Suh-weet! Tomorrow my cigarette charger will hopefully also get fixed- the guy said it's probably just a blown fuse but he didn't have time to check it out today. So my Ac (short for Acura. Get with the program, people) is all set for summer. Happy day!

Other than that... uh... not much happening. I am going to bed in like a half hour. It will be incredible. Seriously.


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