Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I miss my home and it feels like I'm a million miles away

[San Angelo, Third Day]

I had a wonderful weekend. Friday after school Jenny and I took a trip to RoRap. We went out to dinner (may I just recommend the fried chicken salad at Applebee's right here? Well, I just did, so...), tried unsuccessfully to print some pictures off of her digi cam at Wal-Mart, and picked up some other random items (like workout clothes for me). Then we came home and watched Guess Who. Ashton Kutcher is, in my opinion, the most aesthetically beautiful man on earth. Don't worry, I am not trying to give Demi any competition- I just think he's the epitome of physical beauty in a man :) No lust there, just admission of his attractiveness.

Friday night I turned my alarm off so that I could just sleep until I woke up on my own, so yesterday I got up around 11. GUH-LORIOUS! Then... uh... I am not sure exactly what I did all day. I wrote the message for Nick to take to Jamie's memorial service that I posted (it's in the previous entry) and that actually made my heart heavy for most of the day. I also watched American History X... what an amazing movie. Though, I have to say... I don't think people with hatred rooted that deep just give it up in the course of 3-4 hours. But a good movie nonetheless. After that I finally showered (I know, right?) and Bec, Jenny, and I went to see The Sound of Music at Lakeland. A fellow teacher from my high school was Maria, and she was amazing. And, actually, a student (not one of mine) from school played Rolf, plus a few kids from church were in it as well. I was impressed at the quality of the show, considering the area and resources and such. After that I pretty much just watched SNL and went to bed.

Today I accidentally slept through church. I never turned my alarm back on, so it didn't go off, and I woke up at noon. Oops. But other than that it was a perfect day. I went out and swam for a little while, then laid in the sun for a little while (and by that I mean like 15 minutes... I am FAR too white to be in the sun for much longer than that. If I don't marry a man with some better pigment than mine then I will pretty much have to raise my children in the basement. I get sunburned just thinking about the sun.) After that I partook in a little Arrested Development... I LOVE that show. Seriously. It's just so funny all the time. I got a bit of work done and now I am getting myself mentally prepared for bed, though I've only been awake for 11 hours so I'm not really tired. Meh.

So... uneventful weekend. Uneventful post. But I feel rested and content. Hard to believe there are only two more weekends until school's out. Goodness. Where does time go? Honestly. But it's been a lovely weekend. Peaceful and calm. So that's nice.

PS Hope you all like the new theme. I was tired of my eyes having such a hard time adjusting to the white-on-black of my old one. Plus, the colors were sort of depressing. And... the main reason is that at the top my header wrapped around weird and I didn't like the way that looked. This is better. Hopefully I'll leave it for awhile, right? There's always hope ;)


At 11:18 AM, Blogger Darlaing said...

i'm so jealous you can just walk outside and go swimming!

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the pink! So happy - and so appropriate to summer & sunshine.



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