Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Thursday, May 18, 2006

All the Heavens cannot hold You in

[All the Heavens, Third Day]

It's amazing how loss makes you so much more grateful for what you do have.

I needed to print some pictures off of my digital camera to put on the Wall of Fame (for students that get 80% or above on their weekly quizzes), and I came across some pictures from my house from about a month ago that I forgot about.

This one's my favorite:

I have rock star friends.

In other news, my favorite pants are falling off.

The good news is my favorite pants are falling off.

The bad news is my favorite pants are falling off.

You win some, you lose some I guess.

I still thought about Jamie a lot today. But the Lord has been continually gracious to me, and He has ministered to my heart. All I go through is for the purpose of leading me to Him, and I pray that I will continue to respond accordingly.


At 11:29 PM, Blogger Shio-chan said...

I felt the same Tam. Yesterday the phrase "don't waste your life" kept running through my head and I felt like I looked at everything in a new light.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Tam said...

Hey, love. Can we talk on the phone this weekend? Do any of the free internet services work for you? Have you tried google chat? Let me know... I really miss you. It's high time we get in touch.

Let me know, queso.

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Tam said...

PS When you get back in August you have to get a Verizon phone so we can talk for free. Sharon has it too, and I am pretty sure we can pull for her to convince Jason to switch to Verizon as opposed to her going to T-Mobile when they get married.

At 1:07 AM, Blogger _-=true_story=-_ said...

skype has a free comp.-to-phone service now...


At 1:42 AM, Blogger Shio-chan said...

Hey, I don't know when I'll be free this weekend. I am meeting with IMB missionaries and teaching a class on Sunday. I will try though. I want to talk to you too.

At 7:02 AM, Blogger Tam said...

Grayden- Thanks. I just know that the time my roommate tried to use skype she had really long delays and stuff. Probably because we use satellite internet... there's always a bit of a delay on things. Streaming media doesn't work... only the stuff that downloads ahead before you watch it.

Sho- We can see what works out. I'll understand if you can't talk, it would just be really nice. Saturday night my time won't work becase I'm going to The Sound of Music at a local theatre, but other than that my plan is to stay home and do nothing all weekend :)


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