Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I've been waiting for a chance to let you in

[Breathe, Michelle Branch]

I am SO glad I stayed home. I got first and third period's grades done (only one class left, and it'll take like 10 minutes, tops). I watched the first three hours of Band of Brothers and am going to start the fourth in a coupla minutes. Then I went upstairs and worked out for an hour and a half (DDR- Dance Dance Revolution- 'tis the way to go! I burned over 600 calories and had such great fun doing it ;) Seriously, someone should pay me for these shameless endorsements).

Post workout I was as sweaty as... someone who's really sweaty. So I took a nice, long, cool shower. Then I plucked my eyebrows- and we all know that plucking my eyebrows always makes me feel better about life :) I swear that my brain releases endorphins when I take a tweezer to the brow area of my face.

Pluckin' the eyebrows allowed me to be reminded how incredibly boring my eye color is. Seriously- there is not a more dull shade of brown out there. But, such is life. Van Morrison sang about his brown-eyed girl, so there's some level of redemption. Staring at my eye area in the mirror for 10 minutes was just a reminder that my eyes are boring. Well, the color at least.

Why am I wring about such lameness? I am a tool. That said, I need to get back to BoB (which, in acronym form, totally makes me want to watch What About Bob? except that's WAB? in acronym form. So nevermind.) and finish my last bit of grade entering. If I were a rock star I'd get some lesson plans done, but... there's always tomorrow. So long as I don't die tonight and/or Jesus doesn't come back. Both of which are totally possible, but maybe not probable. Though I suppose Jesus wouldn't be coming back- He'd be on the clouds and the rapture would occur but the whole returning to Earth thing wouldn't happen until seven years of tribulation took place. So nevermind about that, too.

I just realized that I haven't eaten anything since like 1 pm. Oops. But after all that working out there's NO WAY I am eating ANYTHING! Plus, it's 9:40 which means it's past my 7pm rule. Even though it's only 6:40 pm Pacific time which will always be the true time in my heart... why am I SO RANDOM tonight? Goodness. This is where any of my roommates would say, "What are we going to do with you, Tami?".

On a serious note- I'll stop being such a tool- a good friend of mine from college had a pretty serious seizure and, last I heard, is in critical condition. Please pray for her- she just got engaged a week ago, so pray for her fiance as well. Her name is Jamie, and his is JJ. I've been praying for them all day, and it would mean a lot to me if you lift them up to the Lord as well.


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