Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Friday, May 12, 2006

Just the world's greatest

[The World's Greatest, R. Kelly]

Last night
  • I finished my grant application
  • Becca had the NW Hali second years over (In TF*A you commit to two years, so we call all of the corps members in their first year "first years" and people in their second year "second years". And actually, people who stay for a third year are called "third years". Then it's pretty much just "TF*A alum". Not super creative, I know. But it works.) because it's second-year appreciation week. That was good times, though I was mostly working in the basement the whole time :)
  • Jenny, Becca, Peter and Kit jumped in the lake last night. At like 9. I heard screaming (shrieking?) and just knew that's what they were doing. Word was that it was rather chilly.
  • The Red Sox won!! At Yankee Stadium. Suck it, Yankee fans.
  • Sharon called to tell me that Wednesday night Jason proposed!!
  • Something cool happened but I can't remember what it was
  • I stayed up late talking to Jenny (which is totally unfair because she took today off. Smoo.) about a plethora of topics, though most revolved around her Joseph-- and he's coming tonight, which is exciting. I like that kid. One thing we talked about is the length of engagements. I, personally, don't think it would be wise for me to ever be engaged for more than 6 months, tops. I've pretty much done nothing physically, so once the door to touching a man I am in love with is open I think I'll have a really hard time "holding back". I think this is one reason why Christians / people waiting for marriage to have sex tend to shudder at the thought of a long engagement. I can't say I definitely would, I think that if I were engaged for a year or more it would be setting myself up to sin physically. That said (switching gears back to Jenny) I really hope that she and Joe get married someday. They are so good for each other. It's fun to watch people who are in love-- and since basically all of my closest friends are engaged / married (Well, closest girl friends.) I get to learn a lot about relationships by observing them. I tend to be fairly perceptive (my main spiritual gift is discernment) so I rather enjoy it! My friends and I in college (mostly Sharon, Shiona, and Rachael) used to wonder who would be first and who would be last to fall in love. I feel like it's still a ways off for me, and I am honestly 100% ok with that. I like my life! And I get to do cool things like share with a girl from first period about the fact that I have chosen not to date, that I enjoy who I am, and that I don't feel like a man will ever fulfill me. I look forward to falling in love/getting married/having a family, but I don't feel like I am incomplete without it. She got the HUGEST smile on her face and seemed pretty inspired, so that made me happy in my heart!
  • I tend to ramble.

  • My first period kids were horrified that I don't know the electric slide. So they showed me. I have a picture that I'll post... sometime. Still too busy!!
  • I am going to do a read-aloud for a kid taking his biology test. I've never done that before so I hope I do a good job!
  • My grumpiness has lifted. I don't know WHAT was wrong with me Monday-Wednesday, but I am back to my cheerful self.
  • I am leaning toward waiting until next weekend to go see The Sound of Music simply because I just want to go home!! Plus, since we'll have people over tonight I'll want some down time in between the softball game and people coming over. That and I am SO TIRED. Oh, and another "and" is that Jenny can't go tonight and she won't want to go alone so I don't mind waiting until next weekend.
  • I forgot my jump drive at home in my other computer, so I can't get my grades done. I want to punch myself in the face. Which makes me think of Strongbad, for some reason. Which makes me think of my brother Clinton saying, "Burninating the peasants" in a horribly wonderful Mexican accent. And that makes me smile.
  • I finally quit procrastinating and called an Acura dealer so that I could order the part to get my AC fixed-- methinks that July in North Carolina without air conditioning would be DEATH. It was under $60, and the school mechanic will do the labor free. Oh, happy day.

  • I had two friends get engaged in a span of six days. Both times in my head I heard, "dun-dun-dun another one bites the dust". In fact, the song was so stuck in my head that I bought it last night. I just keep thinking "and another one down, another one down- another one bites the dust!" --- Does this make me a bad person?



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