Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I know now You're my only hope

[Only Hope, Switchfoot]

Today and tomorrow we're watching Schindler's List. It's heavy. Thus far I am impressed with my kids' level of understanding and compassion. I'm planning to do current world issues next week, so this is a good warm-up because next week's stuff is pretty heavy as well.

On the agenda are AIDS, poverty, civil wars, child prostitution, and a short documentary-type film called The Shadow of Hate, which chronicles the history of racism and bigotry in the United States.

I think my kids are ready to tackle these issues. I refuse to let them get to college, as I did, not knowing that Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps, that the Holocaust affected more than just Jews, or that genocides occurred in Rwanda, Albania, Cambodia, etc. We'll also talk about Vietnam, because I knew nothing about it other than that a lot of vets were messed up mentally as a result of fighting there, including my step-grandfather.

Part of next week will, hopefully, include showing them a video of a boy named Eric from Uganda. D from ICN asked me if I'd like to sponsor a child from Uganda, and I do, so even though I can't do my project with these kids I can tell them that I'll have a child by the time they come back next year and they are more than welcome to come by and see any letters and such I get from him/her. I am really excited about it! I just have to be patient and wait for Eric's DVD to get here. I really want to empower my students to do their part in helping out the world around them.

Also, no word on Jamie yet. When I hear I'll let you guys know.


At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow - those are some heavy issues, you're right!

how do you cover such huge topics in such a short amount of time? I had to constantly narrow reading assignments/discussion questions in 101 because there was just TOO much to go over - so any tips or strategies you have would be most appreciated. I'll use them in the fall!

and way to go for fighting ignorance in your classroom -



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