Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Friday, May 19, 2006

I'm on the right side with you

[Another Kind of Green, John Mayer Trio]

Per his latest blog entry, and pretty much everything else about him, I'm pretty sure John Mayer is my soulmate. I mean, the man can sing, he's hilarious, he's over 6' tall, and he has my birthday. Except he was born in the 70's. He loses a few points there- 80's babies are rock stars, pure and simple. But... I'm pretty sure that Jesus Christ is not the passion of his life, ergo... I shall remain patient.

So today I realized that school gets out in 15 days. Well, 14.5 now. And really, the last two are half days, so even less than that. Goodness. But that realization helped me to kind of reflect on the fact that so much has changed in the last year. I'll write "A Year in the Life" at some point, going over the last year since I moved away from Spokangeles, but for now suffice it to say that I realized that for perhaps the first time I am content. I enjoy where I am at. I need not constantly try to figure out what's around the next corner- things will come as they will.

I would still love if God told me to move to the Seattle area (come on- it's the smartest city in the country- highest number of graduate and doctorate degrees per capita- and it ranked 4th on the list of the nation's most courteous drivers. Which, actually, is kind of sad- those other cities must really suck because driving in Seatown isn't my favorite activity. I-5 is like a death wish during rush hour.) and I would love to just be back in Washington. That said, I do still enjoy Boston, and Brendon is trying to convince me that the greater Portland metro area is calling my name :)

But... in December if you told me that I would absolutely love exactly where I am at in life by May- particularly where I live- I might have rolled my eyes. But now I do. I know that wherever I go, so long as I go with my God, I will love it. Jamie's death this week really caused me to step back and evaluate life. I want to live with no regrets. Tomorrow is not an assurance. I want to redeem the time, walking circumspectly- not as a fool would, but in wisdom. So I can rest in God's plan and know that no matter where I am, so long as I seek His face, it will be His best for me.

So seek His face I shall.

Happy Friday... you all are rock stars. Of the highest quality. If your friendships were records you'd all be multi-platinum!


At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could love John Mayer with you - but one of my more icky professors played that song 'Your Body is a Wonderland' in class for a pop-culture tie-in to 17thC poetry, and now all his voice reminds me of is weird sexual professor guy. ewww.

but yea for you! :)


At 1:06 PM, Blogger Tam said...


My roommates hate JM because of where he says "bubblegum tongue" in Your Body is a Wonderland. Isn't that funny? That one line is just too much for them, lol. My favorite music of his is actually the newer stuff, that's more of a throwback to rock and roll's roots in jazzier stuff. You should check out Try!- I really like the song I quoted, Another Kind of Green.

Anyway... I should get to entering grades so I can enjoy my weekend!



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