Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Saturday, June 03, 2006

It's got to be something better than in the middle

[One Headlight, The Wallflowers]

My party today was so fun! I love and adore my kids. Only 8 came but it was perfect. And it totally rained outside but that, too, was perfect. I enjoyed spending time with them and their parents and everyone said what a huge blessing it was- including the parents. One mom was so sincere and said, "You know, this really means a lot to them. Thank you." So that was lovely!

My window at school is now made of cardboard that blows in and out. But they took the frame to fit it for glass so that's happy. 'Nuff said there.

So today when I gave out directions to my house (only to the select few) the boy who I am pretty sure is in love with me *blush* noticed that it had my phone number (for those who might get lost... and since I am a huge tool and said to turn left onto Eat*on Ferry road instead of right, well... you get it.). So he said to a kid, "Look B.J.- I got Ms. T*K's number." He then proceeded to do the Kip-at-the-bowling-alley-move from Napoleon Dynamite and reverse pumped his fist and went, "Yessss." This makes me laugh and want to blush all at once. He's so funny. But it's also embarassing :) But as I have said before, Dave's a really good kid and I think he's mainly just impressed that I am smart and funny (he has high appreciation for sarcasm). Plus, my kids tell me I give off a lot of natural energy. Wow... this feels like the Boasting Show and so I'm just going to move on.

Tonight after my beloveds left, I cleaned the kitchen for over an hour and made milkshakes for the roomies and Shenay. Then Bec's family and her returned from dinner so I got to spend a little time with them. I love them! They are so adopted.

Another highlight from my life as of late- most of my cousins are on MySpace. This brings great joy to my heart, especially since they're all old enough now to interact with them on some level of normalcy. I am the oldest cousin (I'm talking on my mom's side, here, PS) though only by 7 hours and 22 minutes head of my cousin Tonya. Still- I win :) I am actually in a long line of "oldest" children- my mom was firstborn, then her dad was, then his mom was, etc. I think it goes back like 8-9 generations to the first Cant*erburys to come to America. I had relatives living in California in the late 1700's- how cool is that? They were true pioneers! And my great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother was Black- I am a rock star. Clearly.

I enjoy talking about me entirely too much. The point I was making was that I've been able to reconnect with cousins and it's been great. One is graduating and heading off to college this year- NUTS! Another's in high school, and I remember when she was born. It was the day the Gulf War started- January 16, 1991. I am not sure if I remember her birthday because it's the day the war started or if I remember the day the war started because it's her birthday, but I remember both regardless. Anyway, it's cool to connect with my cousins because they're my family and I want to know them better!!

And on that note... it's time for bed :) Happy weekend!


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