Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I've just gotta get out of this prison cell; one day I'm gonna be free

[Somebody to Love, Queen]

Perhaps I shall make it Thursday tradition to have bullet points. I don't know if I've ever done bullet points on a Thursday before... but it just feels right.

  • Today my wonderful school district blocked Gmail at school. I am SO upset. I understand blocking students from all of the random web-based e-mails, but as a teacher why can't I check my e-mail on my lunch break? This was the WORST part of my entire day... and what's coming next was puh-retty not awesome...
  • So the same kid that steals from me all the time in fourth period broke my window. He won't ever sit down, and today he went to open the window- which they know they're not allowed to do- and it's this old crapper that came off it's tracks so then I thought it was just not perfectly in... but NOOOOOOO. During tutoring it came crashing down and shattered all over the corner of my room. Had maintenance come when I called and said it was broken (but not yet shattered) this wouldn't have happened, but what can you do?
  • If I have time this weekend I'll put up a picture of the window. Because my life is awesome. I wish sarcasm had a color... I'd make that middle sentence in it.
  • Something else obnoxious happened today but I can't even remember what it was.
  • On an up note, I talked to the person who, over the last year, has become my best friend. It was nice to know that I have someone to call on these kinds of days. It was really a blessing though because I also kind of made his day because he's back home in Spokangeles and he's as lonely there as I often feel here. It was just a good feeling to know that we both bless each other. It's been a hard year because all of my best friends have found love and don't really have time for me anymore. And that's ok, because I am happy for them, but I can't lie and say it's easy to feel left behind. But the good news is that somehow a fun pal has become my best friend and it's a really good, healthy relationship. And something tells me that when we meet "the one" (we know we're not meant for one another in a romantic sense!) he won't quit having time for me. Or maybe he will, but he'll MAKE time for me. I know I will for him. But I will for all of my friends. I refuse to be one of those that falls off the face of the earth. Simply refuse.
  • Tuesday will be one year since I moved across the country. Goodness gracious.
  • I just remembered the other crappy part of my day- I was really looking forward to seeing some good friends from home who will be at Wake Forest this weekend... but no other teachers in my super-dedicated department are willing to tutor at the "E*OC - big end of cou*rse test- Jam Session" this Saturday morning, ergo, I got the heavy pressure and *get* to do it. So... that just sucks.
  • On the happy side... season 1 of LOST came in the mail today.
  • Tomorrow from 4-7 is a party for my beloved kids... only about ten or so, here at my house, to honor those who have an A and have an average of 80% (80 percent for you, Darla) on their weekly quizzes. That should be really fun. Just pray no one drowns or breaks the pool table :)
  • I really need to spend some quality time in the Word.
  • It's 87 degrees at 9:30 at night. What the heck?
  • I'm going to bed.


At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you have a fabulous time with the kids at that party! I bet a lot of them will never forget you opening your home that way.

That sucks about gmail. Is there any way to protest?

*big hug*

Here's to a better day tomorrow.


At 10:53 PM, Blogger Tam said...

Thanks, Liss. I wrote them... we'll see. I am so GRRR about it. I can't handle not being able to access my e-mail. That's the whole reason I switched from Hotmail to Gmail- they blocked Hotmail months ago. But then I discovered that Gmail is a far superior service and was rather happy I switched. But now... argh.


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