Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Gimme three steps mister

[Gimme Three Steps, Lynyrd Skynyrd]

I've got to hand it to my daddy- he built some solid musical tastes into me :) I totally remember rocking out to this song in the car, our trusty ol' 88 Civic Hatchback. Love it!

I also remember listening to The Kinks, The Doobie Brothers, .38 Special, Eric Clapton, The Eagles, and Mike and the Mechanics, among others. I actually was downloading Tom Petty and the Heartbreaker's Greatest Hits album the other day and realized that I could hum the chorus to every single song. I loved that CD and I remember painstakingly recording it onto a 90 minute tape so I could listen to it again and again circa middle school.

Anyway... random discovery of the day.

If you want to curb America's obesity epidemic, just put really hot people in position as cashiers at grocery stores. I think I'm embarking on yet another round of PMS, and all I want to do is eat horribly terrible junk foods and be angry at the world. Today I had selected Fritos and cheesy con queso dip (and yes, I know that queso means cheese. But I call it cheesy con queso dip, so bite me.). I was all set to check out when I realized that the guy I think is absolutely gorgeous at the local Food Lion was on shift. I looked at my selections, remembered my commitment to losing weight, and went and bought canteloupe and a salad. I am not. Even. Kidding.

Another recent finding is that I don't think my life would be complete without ESPN. I don't know how I lived so long without it. Oh, and I want to marry Tony Reali. He's the host of Around the Horn and he frequents PTI (Pardon the InterruPTIon). But he's a very small reason for my love of ESPN-- I just really love sports.

I've got a video here for ya all, as an example of my sports love.
PS Darla, this is the guy where I was like, "I really like this guy named... actually, I don't know his name." He's the guy in the King Tut hat ;)


At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is hilarious about the cashier at Food Lion. I do the same thing, only I will do it for hot guys, guys who look very fit, girls who look very fit, and girls who I think have a better body than me! Needless to say, we don't end up with a lot of junk food! In fact, we have so little that when my mother-in-law came to visit recently she got angry about the lack of cookies! It was pretty funny to me, I have to admit. How is the weight loss going? It's hard, but isn't if fun to see your stuff get smaller? I lost 45 lbs. this year, and we recently got a dog that weighs 45 lbs. I like to carry her around and every time I do, I'm like, wow, I lost a dog!

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Darlaing said...

lol I love you. Yay for gorgeous checkers! Whatever works!

Again, I'll have to watch the video at home :P stupid work computers.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Tam said...

Thanks to ya both ;)

I'm doing decently well. I've lost about 40-50 pounds but I still have a long way to go to be where I want to! But I've decided that it's something I WANT to do and once I decide I want to do something I usually do all right. Here's to hope :)

What do you do when you're on PMS and craving "bad" foods (if that happens to you, that is) but you're dedicated to eating well? Just curious!

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I do Weight Watchers, so I get 35 "flex points" a week to use whenever, however, so I normally use those on junk. BTW, I highly recommend Weight Watchers. It sounds like you are doing awesome on your own, but if you ever feel like you are stalling or struggling on your own, then I would definitly check it out. I also eat chocolate chips with FF RediWhip when I really want junk. I know it sounds weird, but 30 chips are only like 120 calories, and the RediWhip is also very low (can't remember what off the top of my head). I find it soo satisfying! I never really want chips and stuff, so I'm no help on that! Maybe get a snack size bag? Or, as wasteful as it sounds, get a big bag, eat one serving (about 130 calories) and throw the rest out.

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in the library when I read the "cheesy con queso dip" and I remembered fondly the days when you called me queso (I am sure I wasn't the only special one:). A salad and a cantelope(sp?)? That's pretty noble, except if I were him, I would totally see through it. Then I would know you thought I was hot:) PS my fingers are blue right now. Don't ask me why. Adios rock star---Rach


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