Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Sunday, July 09, 2006

One love, one life

[One, U2]

Have I mentioned recently that I love sports? Because I absolutely do.

The Hurricanes sucked me into becoming a hockey fan. Before now, I was always fairly ambivalent toward soccer... but, thanks to the FIFA World Cup, I am now officially a soccer fan.

I, of course, pull for the U.S.A. in any sporting event on a world stage. They sort of sucked it up (is "sort of" an understatement?). Next, I tend to pull for England and then Germany (nations of my heritage). I'm usually happy to see any African team win in anything.

Per the World Cup final... it was amazing, as I was watching it, to realize that over one billion people were watching the exact same events at the exact same time as I was. It's simply unfathomable for me; impossible to try and wrap my mind around. One billion people.

I have discovered a man that is going to be giving Tom Brady some tough competition for man I'd like to marry ;) His name is Fabio Cannavaro, and he's an absolute stud on the soccer pitch. He's also absolutely gorgeous!!

See for yourself--

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now, sports lover that I am, I'm watching ESPN's Portraits of Courage: Best of ESPY's Ashe Award. It tells the stories of athletes of incredible courage, who not only shine in their sports abilities, but also as human beings. It's made me cry about every ten minutes, but it's inspirational.

In closing- yay Italy (I was rooting for them) and have a wonderful evening!!


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