Cool is just how far we have to fall

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. --Jim Elliot

Sunday, June 11, 2006

It goes round and round

[Sick Cycle Carousel, Lifehouse]

Hmmm.... what a weekend :) Yesterday was productive, and the game was fun (even though they lost). Then I hung out with some other second year corps members (I still can't believe I am talking about my corps when I say that...) at a place called Tyler's where we watched the 'Canes lose to Edmonton.

I had a weird experience last night... I introduced myself to someone's husband as a second year corps member. It was SO weird. I was like, "I'm a... ok, you're the first person I am saying this to and it's really awkward for me... but my name's Tami and I'm a second year." SO FLIPPING WEIRD. Everything right now feels so surreal.

Today was fun because after lying out in the sun and reading (Harry Potter... SO not evil the way I was taught to think) I went to "Blue Thursday"... aka Ruby Tuesday for dinner with Jenny and Shenay. For you west coastians (I know it's "coaster" but coastian just sounds so hot) it's basically like Red Robin... decent place, but nothing will ever replace Red Robin in my heart. I plan to eat there like 5 times when I'm home for Christmas!!

After dinner we went to a Tony's party at the home of two fellow high school teachers. It was fun because of the company, but I know essentially nothing about theater, and am totally content that way. But the majorly cool thing is that I think I am going to buy Bailey's iBook for a hundred bucks! Whoo-hoo!! I need a laptop because my *awesome* school district is "repairing" our laptops they gave us so that you can't do ANYTHING on it. I mean, you can use Open Office (a freeware of Microsoft Office, essentially) and that's about it. You can't install anything- including to repair your wireless configuration, or put on printers or the software that comes with my curriculum... nothing. It's so lame.

I am really annoyed so I am going to make sure this iBook will suffice and then tell them that the one they spent two-freaking-thousand dollars on is worthless to me and I had to go buy my own laptop. Grrr. But it looks like I'll be making the switch to Apple. If I really like it I think I'll probably get a new one either around Christmas or next summer, and actually if the one Bailey sells me works well I am going to see if one of my students is interested in buying my Dell desktop fairly cheap. Just to help them out, you know?

Ok... I have some stuff to get done before my end of year one-on-one with my T*FA supervisor tomorrow at one, so I need to actually get to school by like 8:30 which means I need to gets me some sleep! Have a lovely week, friends!


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